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GeneNetwork and WebQTL have integrated links to the following resources



Resources for Analysis of Single Genes, SNPs, mRNAs, and Proteins

Resources on Imprinting and Parental Origin Effects

Resources for the Spatial Analysis of Gene and Protein Expression

Several excellent resources can be used to explore patterns of gene expression primarily in C57BL/6J mice. This strain is one of the parents of the BXD, AXB/BXA, BXH, and CXB genetic reference populations that are key resources in the Gene Network and its companion site, the Mouse Brain Library.

Resources for the Analysis of Sets and Networks of Transcripts, Genes, Proteins, and SNPs

BIND and STRING and IntAct are great sites that provide access to well curated data on protein-protein interactions. BIND and IntAct focus on experimentally verified interactions whereas STRING and preBIND incorporate inferred interaction based on other data types, including gene expression. Links to BIND and STRING have been added to the Trait Data and Analysis forms on the GeneNetwork BETA site.[Added Aug 21, 2005; last site reviews Aug 27, 2005 by RWW.]

Resources for the Analysis of Phenotypes in Genetic Reference Populations

QTL Mapping Resources

Affymetrix Array Annotation Resources

Information about this HTML page:

This text originally generated by RWW, Dec 21, 2004. Updated by EJC, Feb 27, 2005; by RWW, July 15, Sept 25. Management of GeneNetwork access and trait pages